Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Weather Ready?

It is getting to be that time of year once again. There is a hint of spring in the air as Old Man Winter holds on with the very last of his energy trying to deny the sun, song, and warmth that springs brings when finally sprung. You can feel that little hint of warmth in the breeze and are probably beginning to notice that there are familiar birds singing. The very birds whose songs have been forgotten in past months.

Unfortunately along with the warmth of spring comes the volatility of rapidly changing weather patterns and not so predictable storms along the way. You guessed it, tornado season is upon those in the midwest to be followed rather quickly by hurricane season in the Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico. In other words, tornado season is rapidly approaching and you need to be prepared. It is getting to be the time of year when you need to take stock of the condition in your storm cellar, check the batteries in the flashlight, prepare your emergency provisions, and check to make sure that you have an adequate weather radio to serve as your warning beacon when Mother Nature isn't behaving as we feel she should.

If you are looking for an excellent weather radio, I highly recommend this one from Amazon: . My personal reason for liking this one is that I simply like the sleek and modern appearance as well as some of the better features of this weather radio. In all honesty whether or not you plan to weather too many storms, tornadic in nature or otherwise it is a wise investment to have a good weather radio on hand as many of them also serve as civil defense warning systems.