Thursday, May 24, 2007

Gamers Behold (live action role playing gamers that is)

In moments of utter geekiness on my part, I fondly recall those days when we had role playing game parties that would last long into the night and sometimes the next morning. Some nights there was something happening every minute while others there were long breaks in between with our parties searching for new trouble under rocks and in the bushes.

If you have never managed to participate in a live action role playing game then you almost have no right to call yourself a true geek. It's like never having watched Monty Python or not owning a computer. I have a new addiction though known in some circles as YouTube. It is through YouTube that I took this little stroll down memory lane today. Only a true live action role playing gamer could appreciate this video to its fullest effect but it's too irresistable not to share.

And I'm sure that those of you who have played for any length of time or played with new groups during your 'gaming careers' have related to this at one point in time or another.

So much for this stroll down memory lane. It looks like I'm going to have to check out what new live action role playing games are popular these days. TTFN!