Wednesday, December 21, 2005
Diamonds are still a girl's best friend
After much internal debate on the matter, and the seeming limitless supply of Ipod options... I have at last decided on the one Ipod I will recommend to the girls who stop here for savvy recommnedations about technical devices. This Ipod nano case
has more than 10 carats and sells for $12,495. It can be found at This settles all matters Ipod for me. Now if I could just get Santa baby to agree! TTFN girls and have a wonderful holiday!
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
The coolest Gizmo!
Hey girls, I don't know about you but I'm always searching for places to plug things in and power strips don't always cut it. Ever needed extra flexability or found that the strips outlets were too close together to use three prong cords. I have never ending problems with this, especially considering my love for gadgets. Of course, one day I'll build a house with enough plug ins...yeah like that could ever possibly happen. At any rate I found this really neat gadget. Originally I found an article about it on the National Public Radio website of all places. They have an article about several really neat gadgets for Christmas if you want to check it out. But the piece of gizmo coolness that I wanted to tell you about is this
I know it looks kinda funny but imagine the possibilities. I think it's awesome but that's just me. Anyway it gets a gadget geek's two thumbs up from me. Happy Shopping girls! TTFN!
I know it looks kinda funny but imagine the possibilities. I think it's awesome but that's just me. Anyway it gets a gadget geek's two thumbs up from me. Happy Shopping girls! TTFN!
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
Cool Free Download for Laptop owners
Hi all,
I really thought it would be a good idea to share this find it is a downloadable battery management program. It provides a percentage of the power left on your battery. At any rate it's a cool device to have for lap top owners. It's called Power Center, it is freeware and you can download it here. TTFN!
I really thought it would be a good idea to share this find it is a downloadable battery management program. It provides a percentage of the power left on your battery. At any rate it's a cool device to have for lap top owners. It's called Power Center, it is freeware and you can download it here. TTFN!
Monday, December 12, 2005
Geekette Problemo
I have a problem that I'm hoping some suave geek that is more technically savvy than I can help me solve. It seems that whenever I launch my winamp player it changes the settings on my computer and the screen goes all screwey. Anyone have a brilliant suggestion to save this damsel in MP3 distress? I even have the neatest little Christmas skin, blinking lights and all (I'm starting toget really bummed out about this)...if I don't get my daily dose of Christmas tunes, well the feelings of good will begin to fade. FAST! You have no idea how much of a blow to this girls ego it is to have to ask for help on something that would seem to be so simple. I am also fairly confident that if I had the time to research this to the hilt I could find the source and a solution...however, time is a luxury I don't have at the moment and probably won't until after Christmas at which point I won't need the extra helping of Christmas spirit or the neat Christmas skin with the blinky lights. Know what I mean? At any rate I'm desparately seeking assistance and would be extremely grateful to anyone who can offer advice. Thanks a bunch! TTFN!
Sunday, December 11, 2005
My war against static shock
The next item on my wish list is going to be these Amazing Dryer Balls
. I am having the worst time of my life this winter dealing with static. I'm completely electrified. I fold a blanket in the dark and can watch the sparks ripple through the fabric. These balls claim to combat static, that was enough to sell me, they also offer a two year money back guarantee...haven't ever found anything like that with dryer sheets. They also claim to reduce drying time, which reduces energy usage, which lowers bills, which means I can buy more toys. It also means I won't have to waste money on dryer sheets and fabric softeners that aren't currently cutting it. I hope this works out as good as I'm expecting it to. If not I really haven't wasted all that much money and I will chalk it up as a learning experience.
At any rate I'm sincerely interested in offering alternatives that aren't quite as shocking as the options I've been utilizing. May your day most certainly be less shocking than mine has. TTFN!
At any rate I'm sincerely interested in offering alternatives that aren't quite as shocking as the options I've been utilizing. May your day most certainly be less shocking than mine has. TTFN!
Saturday, December 10, 2005
Girls tonight I'm just popping in to wish you all an early goodnight. I'm so unbelievably tired that I don't even think I can manage to look for a new toy. I hope you all have a great night and can do some even better shopping for me. I'm too tired to even consider shoe shopping right now and that is my honest to goodness first love. So please, send positive feel good vibes in my direction. I'm off to bed to hopefully recover enough to want a good dose of eggnog and Ipod tomorrow. TTFN!
Thursday, December 08, 2005
Mama really wants one of these
My back hurts, it always hurts. Back pain has become an accepted and expected part of my daily life. I will endure the pain, it's part of the process, but it would be oh so nice to have one of these massage chairs
to help kneed my tired, aching muscles at the end of each and every day. Well on second thought I had better get two or I would honestly never get to sit down in it. He always hogs the good chairs why on earth would this one be any different? At any rate this chair is on my wish list. It will probably still be on my wish list this time next year but I would love to be pleasantly surprised and find it under my tree sometime in the near future.
Whether or not one finds its way beneath my tree, maybe you can talk your guy into one of these for yourself, or hey, grab a pair. At any rate good sitting if you do get one. TTFN!
Whether or not one finds its way beneath my tree, maybe you can talk your guy into one of these for yourself, or hey, grab a pair. At any rate good sitting if you do get one. TTFN!
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
Two All Time Favorites On a Return Flight
I've always been a geek. Even as a little girl I was more content to play with the boys. I found that the toys they had were just so much better than Barbie and Cabbage Patch Kids. I never really could see the thrill in them, especially the moms fighting over them. They weren't even very cute if you asked me. Not that I was all that into cute. The point however, is that TWO of my old favorites have made a comeback. Star Wars
and Legos. Who could really ask for more? But if you can there are even video games that combine Star Wars and Legos. How cool is that? I know it's not the same without Han Solo but still the story is there and the droids. I'm just stoked, big geek that I am. Have a Merry Christmas and I betcha can't resist and run out and buy one or the other if you don't have them already. Fess up do you have one yet? And if not what are you waiting for? Just because we grew up doesn't mean we never get to play again.
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
Video IPod
I have to say, I look at this and think that this has I don't want to even beging to consider how much more hardrive space than my first computer did. You know the one I bought back in the dinosaur days when DOS and other such languages were king and Pong was the game of choice for all true geeks. In fact, my Atari was probably more sophisticated than my original computer. To see an Ipod with a 30 gig hard drive and all I can really think is wow. I mean my old computer was a HUGE box, tiny screen, bulky, clumsy (by todays terms), and I thought it was the coolest toy on the planet. By comparison this Ipod kicks my old computers butt. Of course this ain't your granny's Ipod either. The Apple 30 GB iPod with Video Playback Black
is so much more than the first Ipod. I'm almost afraid to see what the future is for these devices. I do have to say it's probably the best thing that Apple has produced in quite a while and I am glad to see some genuine competition about. If nothing else, it will hopefully drive prices down, technology forward, and produce many, many new toys for me to discuss with everyone here. TTFN!
Monday, December 05, 2005
A Geekette's Littlest USB Christmas Tree
Okay, fess up. Just how many of you secretly watch Charlie Brown's Christmas special each and every year? I'm a sucker for all the old Christmas movies. I love them all. They are all very special to me for many reasons. One being childhood associations. I always felt a certain kinship and close empathy to Charlie Brown in his Christmas special. Being a geeky kinda girl I had a bit of a hard time fitting in with other girls my age and for a good while the boys either considered me a yucky girl or saw me as a kid sister. So Charlie's Christmas tree, pathetic though it was always struck a chord. I guess that's why I'm so attracted to this little USB Christmas Tree
Not only is it as cute as a button. It plugs right into your USB drive. If you're like me there's one right on the front of your box that is empty more often than it's full (no matter how many photos sit on the camera waiting to be uploaded to the actual computer). Anywho, it's a way to dress up your desk with festive feelings of good will and all that good stuff. I'm such a sucker for Christmas too can you tell? Well this is my geekette pick for today. TTFN!
Not only is it as cute as a button. It plugs right into your USB drive. If you're like me there's one right on the front of your box that is empty more often than it's full (no matter how many photos sit on the camera waiting to be uploaded to the actual computer). Anywho, it's a way to dress up your desk with festive feelings of good will and all that good stuff. I'm such a sucker for Christmas too can you tell? Well this is my geekette pick for today. TTFN!
Sunday, December 04, 2005
McToaster anyone?
I have to say that I love the idea of this one. I'm a big fan of sausage mcmuffins and have spent my share of dinero on them rather than having a quickie breakfast at home simply because I like them. The Back to Basics TEM500 Egg & Muffin 2-Slice Toaster and Egg Poacher
will change all that. I can have my mcmuffin at home and the savings over time can add up to an Outback rather than McD's outting.
Anyway, I've seen this in several catalogs and even the local Lowe's. I've gone to great lengths to point it out to my dearly beloved, who occassionally reads this. Let's hope that the message gets through. If not I'll just save my pennies after Christmas. This is one gadget that this geekette must have! TTFN!
Anyway, I've seen this in several catalogs and even the local Lowe's. I've gone to great lengths to point it out to my dearly beloved, who occassionally reads this. Let's hope that the message gets through. If not I'll just save my pennies after Christmas. This is one gadget that this geekette must have! TTFN!
Saturday, December 03, 2005
My Christmas list
Well the first thing on my Christmas list is a new USB mouse for my computer. Mine has been on the fritz. I have to keep unplugging and replugging it to get it to work, and even then sometimes I receive a message telling me that there is an unrecognizable device plugged into my port...Grrrr....I hate it when my toys are on the blink.
Then I want (just like I'm sitting on Santa's lap eh?) the Civ IV expansion pack
. A girl has to have a nice new game to use her nice new mouse on right?
Then I want the PalmOne Tungsten E Handheld
. I particularly like this one because it can be used as an MP3 player. I love my music but really and truly am a sucker for audio books. Especially as I'm finding less and less time to read for enjoyment. I can listen while I'm walking to school with my son or waiting in line at the bank and I'm not relegated to carrying multiple devices with me at all times. It's an calendar, address book, mp3 player, portable game system, ebook reader and it takes less space than most of these would take alone.
And the last thing on my Christmas list is someone named Raul wearing impossibly little clothes, with a tan buff ahem, wash the dishes for me. And I quite honestly am not kidding on that one. I hate washing dishes and if I'm going to get the day off I may as well have some great scenery right? TTFN!
Then I want (just like I'm sitting on Santa's lap eh?) the Civ IV expansion pack
Then I want the PalmOne Tungsten E Handheld
And the last thing on my Christmas list is someone named Raul wearing impossibly little clothes, with a tan buff ahem, wash the dishes for me. And I quite honestly am not kidding on that one. I hate washing dishes and if I'm going to get the day off I may as well have some great scenery right? TTFN!
Cool New Gadget!
I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm always running out of juice on my electronic devices at the most inopportune times. It's immensely frustrating and I'm not always in a position to take care of it. My gadget of the day will help prevent this from happening. It's the The Solar Flare Messenger Bag by Eclipse Solar Gear
. This neat bag has compartments for a laptop, cell phone, pda, and your papers and pens and such. The coolest thing about this bag though, is that it has a solar charging module that trickle charges your electronic devices on your commute, on your walk, etc. I think this is the coolest thing. It saves and extends battery life and prevents a great deal of frustration. I'm sure I'm not the only one that notoriously forgets to charge her phone until it's dead. Unfortunately I'm not always in my car or near my charger when this occurs. In fact I almost never need my cell phones in these situations. Well, that's my cool new toy for the day! TTFN!
Friday, December 02, 2005
Roomba, the work free vacuum
I'm really torn on my wintertime wish list for a new vacuum cleaner. Part of me wants the new Dyson for pets. But, we have no pets(unless my three children qualify) so that may be a bit of overkill. Barring that, I'm all about the Roomba
robo vac. I mean if I can't get the bigger, better, more girth vacuum, why not get one that will do all the work for me. I particularly like the fact that you set it down in the middle of the room and let it do it's thing. It even goes under tables, chairs, beds, and picks up what is in its path. This gadget gets my vote. I'm definitely adding it to his Christmas list this year I don't want appliances for Christmas!
I would like to add that if you have pets, especially pets that shed, the Roomba probably isn't the best choice for you. The dyson
is probably the best choice in this situation. I guess all the cleaing I have in front of Christmas morning has me on the lookout for vacuum cleaners. Merry Housekeeping! TTFN!
I would like to add that if you have pets, especially pets that shed, the Roomba probably isn't the best choice for you. The dyson
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