I have to say that I try to remain civil on lifes highways and biways. The process isn't always as seemless as I would like it to be and my children have herd me utter an unkind term or two towards my fellow man (and possibly their lineage) along the road we know as life. The good news most of the time is that the person in the other vehicle is generally oblivious to my ranting and raving and going on about their lives as though no not so kind thoughts are being sent in their directions.
It should come as no shock to many of you that I spend a good deal of my rather limited surfing time checking out the many neat gadgets and gizmos at Think Geek whenever I have the opportunity. This nifty little gadget known as the Driving LED Emoticon has definitely captured my attention as well as my imagination. I'm already wondering how quickly I can hack into it and what other phrases I might be able to teach it to say along the way.
At any rate, as is it this nifty little gadget will smile as passersby, frown, tell them "thanks" or to "back off" and call them an "idiot" all at the press of a button. Just be careful that you aren't the one making the mistakes. You never know who else may have one of these nifty little gizmos. Regardless, it is quite likely to bring a smile to someone's day as you go about your daily drive with a smiling face peering back at the traffic behind you.