Seriously, I have searched the web over and am not feeling the love of a Joost invite. So, here it is, I will beg.
Please oh Please, any true geeks that come across my prose, support the cause of a girl looking to get her geek on and try out this latest bastion of entertainment at the click of a button!
Did that work? Only time will tell. I will however, be glad to send props to the proper person if I am graced with one of these much coveted invites.
For those of you reading this and wondering what the heck I'm talking about, though I'm inclined to believe I'm the last geek to this particular dance party--Joost is an interactive way to enjoy television. While it may not have all the television shows from around the worl it has a fairly vast selection of programming, extras, and more importantly the ability to watch your favorite shows (providing of course they are included at this point in time) on your timeline rather than that of the networks. I have several shows that I love to watch but do not always mesh with my hectic schedule. Joost would fix that problem and if I missed part of my favorite show I can just watch it over again to get the entire story unlike regular television.
For anyone that is a television junkie, this is definitely the wave of the future. There are plans for Joost to go public, which means that everyone will get the chance to join. I'm just impatient (dancing around on tippy toes still begging for invites)! So, if someone out there manages to wrangle an invite after reading this, please remember your source of information and send one my way?
Okay, for now the begging session is over. Hopefully there will be good news in the pipelines. TTFN!