In an act of supreme geekiness, I must participate in the campaign to save Jericho. There are so very few programs on network television that are original any more. If there is any doubt, how many hospital dramas, law and orders, and csi's are there anymore?
Jericho was an original thought that was well executed if not poorly planned. The first half of the season was a bang so to speak while the second half was pitted against the ever so popular American Idol, which when it comes to rating (though not necessarily quality television) is the clear dominator. My point however, is that no show in this time slot is going to perform well against American Idol. Nevermind that the 3 month 'hiatus' that was given to Jericho did much to cool the anticipation for the second half of the season.
While I love Jericho as many other Americans did, three months is a long time for the glow to wear off and people to forget their television viewing loyalties. Jericho is a show that does get to the heart of a geeky girl to some degree, though I do experience strange palpatations at the thought of life without an IPod, Palm Pilot, Tivo, or Internet access at my fingertips. The truth is that there were geeks long before the technological advances of the last few decades (keep in mind that geeks are by and large responsible for these advances) and in all likelihood, the geeks are some of the ones that will help us survive if a scenario such as this should ever present itself.
When it comes to Jericho however, I believe I am more dismayed by how things ended. What kind of network ends a series with a cliffhanger like that??? To me this reeks of CBS truly not caring about its veiwers and caring more about the bottom line. So much for the apple pie image guys. There is only one other show I currently watch on this network I guess I should be grateful that they haven't decided to axe NCIS as well.
If you are interested in signing the petition that is circulating to save Jericho from its untimely cancellation (whether it will do any good or not is uncertain though it certainly will get the message across to CBS that the viewers are unhappy with this deciion) you can find it here.
I hope that all who read this and are fans of Jericho will sign the petition to save Jericho and let your voices be heard by those at the network.