It may be television for men but occasionally this network shows a winner. This weekend they have been showing Episodes I-III of the Star Wars Saga. Next weekend they will follow up with episodes IV-VI (those that many of us grew up with). I've been a fan of Star Wars for most of my life so this is definitely my kind of weekend. I have my microwave popcorn, I've stocked up on Diet Dr. Pepper, and I'm ready for some serious space action in a galaxy far, far away.
Whether you are rewarding yourself after an extra long workweek with a much needed blast from the past or experiencing these greats for the very first time (I won't ask what rock you've been living under for the past three decades if this is the case but it IS a tempting question) watching Star Wars from beginning to end is a great way to spend the weekend.
Just remember even if you missed most of the episodes this weekend (there's still tonight to catch Episode III but hurry) there's always next weekend for the thrill of Star Wars.