I really try not to get too personal on this blog. Probably an excellent plan since this blog is so badly neglected. However, some who read this probably know I'm a work at home mom. I work from home as a freelance writer and have been doing so for about three years now. Kelly McCausey at Wahm2.0 has issued a challenge for which I have been volunteered thanks to my good friend Dana at Momphabet Soup. It really is all good though. At least this is a challenge I can sink my teeth into.
So why do I LOVE working at home? Let me count the ways (okay I couldn't help but indulge in a moment of corny behavior).
1) I LOVE the fact that my commute is 30 seconds.
2) I LOVE the fact that I don't have to "dress" for success in corporate attire.
3) I LOVE the fact that I do not have to make the choice between contributing to the household expenses and leaving my child in daycare.
4) I absolutely adore the fact that I don't have to beg a boss for permission to leave when my children need me, are sick, or have something special going on at school.
5) I LOVE the fact that I get to pick the decor of my office.
6) I LOVE that I am not bound by four walls or eight hours in order to get the job done.
7) I LOVE the fact that unless I'm in a particularly masochistic mood I never need to wear pantyhose again!
8) But the most important thing I love about working at home is that I am surrounded each and every day by my favorite people in the world rather than an office of strangers.
Of course, there is no substitute for the fact that the latest and greatest office gadgets and gizmos are now tax deductible.