Saturday, March 17, 2007

Gaming Good for Eyesight?

It would seem that this is the case when it comes to certain rather popular video games that are currently dominating the gaming market. Personally, I'll take this over eating my carrots to improve eyesight any day of the week and twice on Sunday. It's really something to think about however when you consider that most of my childhood I heard how video games and constant exposure to visual stimulation was going to ruin my eyesight...wonder what else mom lied about?

At any rate, don't take my word for it see what the experts have to say. The article can be found at though you can take the direct route to the article here. I think you will find that this website is a treasure trove for the truly geeky among us. I know it is quickly becoming a favorite for me. At any rate, I'm still recovering from Pi Day (jk) and need to get back to the business at hand. I hope you enjoy looking around Live Science and have found the perfect excuse for longer gaming sessions.