I know I've touched on this topic before. This happens to have been my absolute favorite television show until a little more than a week ago. Despite my disappointments, it still remains high on my list. I'm not sure if this says more for my loyalty to science fiction or remains a testament to the poor selection of television shows on the air at the moment. I was devestated at the decision to gack Starbuck. I know there is a great deal of specualation over what will happen to Starbuck's character and even whether or not she is really dead after all. Some people believe that is Ron Moore's idea of the ultimate joke to play on fans.
What I do have to say is this. I was a huge skeptic when I heard that they were remaking Battlestar Galactica for the mini series though part of me was very excited. In an absolute display of sheer geekiness, this was one of my favorite childhood shows and I was afraid the mini series would somehow diminish that but felt compelled to watch because it was a childhood favorite.
This being said I sat in front of my television in sheer and utter shock when I realized that Starbuck in this mini series was female. I automatically hated her because she was female. It took a while for her character to grow on me. Seriously, then I began to love her as the kick ass female that all of us geeky girls wish we could be. She said what she thoght, she drank like a fish (one drink and I'm under the table snoring), and she smoked cigars. She could throw punches with the best of 'em and wasn't afraid to take a few punches of her own. For this reason the new Battlestar Galactica--by the end of the mini series had taken up a new place in my heart just as the new Starbuck had.
I was so excited when I heard that this mini series that had captured my attention and imagination had been turned into a television series that would bear the Battlestar Galactica name. Even more amazing was that the characters we knew and loved (and those we loved to hate) from the mini series would be returning to the show. The series itself has been a little darker and much more character driven than the series of old. I loved the human cylon element and the vulnerability of the characters on the show both human and cylon.
So WHY? WHY? WHY? did he go and kill off Starbuck? Yes I know, many of you have probably not made it this far in my post, but this is my most public way to express myself here and amazingly enough, Mr. Moore surfs the web so he might somehow find this little blog post and comment. He is certainly invited to explain should he deem my little corner on the web worthy. I am one enquiring mind that would truly like to know the why on this.
Oh and one more thing Mr. Moore, should you happen to read this, I love the turn that Lee has taken in the last episode. I can't wait to see the next two episodes and sincerely hope that you will be bringing Starbuck back in some form as she added so much to the show that was so beloved from my childhood.